There are many summer camp offerings ever year. How to choose which one is best for your child? Is one better than the other or are they all just the same?
Here are some ideas to consider when choosing a camp. Parents need to decide what is best for your child. They also want to get the best value.
First of all, your child should have some say in the camp they are going to. Talk directly to your child about going to summer camp. And really listen to her. Is this her first time, or are she a seasoned veteran? What were her experiences at other camps?
Talk with other moms. Listen to what they have to say. Learn from their experiences. Talk with your child to see if she wants to attend a certain camp with a close friend.
Your child’s participation in selecting what camps they want is important. Have them check websites or social media and let them talk with other girls to hear what they have to say about camps they’ve gone to.
What are her current interests? What about her interests throughout the school year; have they changed or have they been consistent?
Look at the actives she participated in during the school year. Does she want to improve? Are there other things she might want to learn more about? It might be sports, music or something else.
She might be very good at playing the violin, or she is great at soccer. Those are the things she probably feels most confident about. What about other areas of her life? Wouldn’t be great to see your daughter more confident, more self-assured, and more able to handle tough social situations?
Maybe, just maybe, her focus is on how she sees herself. Does she like herself, or not so much? Is she lacking confidence or social skills? Maybe she does feel good about herself, but maybe not. I find most girls benefit from a little help with their self-esteem. Wouldn’t you like her to look into the mirror and like who is looking back?
There are differences in camps offered. We want to tell you some of what makes us different.
Here at Chatter Girls, we believe how you daughter feels about herself can affect every area of her life. A specific interest, no matter how passionate she may be about it, often does not bridge the confidence gap into other areas of her life.
The feedback we get from girls who complete Chatter Girls is outstanding. We interview every girl and their parents. Girls consistently say they feel better about them-selves and are more confident to handle life in general.
You have many opportunities for Summer Camp. Making it fit your children needs, and yours, will make for a great summer.