I was recently listening to a country western song about how boys and girls deal with break ups differently and it got me thinking about the way girls handle hurt and upset.
Our children find different ways to cope with pain. A girls sensitivity to pain comes from within and unfortunately, she may hold on to it through adulthood.
When a girl intentionally hurts another girl, I am concerned for both children as both are truly hurt. Bullying can make a girl feel like her life has come to an abrupt stop!
We need to empower our girls and give them the tools to deal with others and the internal mind chatter and build towards a more positive and powerful future.
1.Reaffirming your daughters and celebrating their uniqueness
2. Teaching them coping skills to deal with disappoints
3, Using affirmations on a daily basis’s support . Having Affirmations for the week (note check out affirmations in my book)
4. Not being overwhelmed is such an empowering tool. Help them set goals daily weekly and future.